Thursday, October 23, 2008


No run today, which is very disappointing. I got to bed late Tuesday night, and woke up early, and proceeded to have an exhausting day. Last night I got to bed in a timely fashion only to be woken up at 3:45am by my downstairs neighbors' thumping bass. I did the risky thing and pounded on their door, and they quieted down, but it still robbed me of precious sleeping time. So I gave in and reset the alarm to sleep to my usual time, not "Get up and RUN!!!!" time.

This is the first time I have passed on a run in the morning, and it makes me feel as though I have failed somehow. I know I need to take the long view and realize that there will be many more days to run and that if I needed to sleep, then sleeping was the smart choice, but grrrrr. It's just been a crap week, and a good running session would have helped.

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