Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello, 2009!

The first run of 2009? Not so great. I ran outside in a friend's neighborhood, and I just wasn't feeling it. It was cool, even though I didn't get started until 10am. My lungs complained through most of the "back" on my out-and-back. It was 2.25 miles, and I finished in about 30 minutes, I think. I walked more than I would have liked, but I did have some nice moments while I was running when it felt like it was all working and I could tell that I had picked up the pace.

My right knee is still hurty and my IT bands are achy, so I am going to see the doctor in a week, to get a referral for physical therapy/sports massage. Hopefully that will help. My deepest fear is that my knee will give out or become so painful that I am unable to run, so I am trying to be proactive. I realized that I have not been icing my knee regularly, like I was before, so I will have to do a better job of being consistent with the ice.

I ordered a Garmin 305! I am very excited to get it, and start seeing what it can do. I really want to run outside more in the coming months, and I love being able to see how far I have gone, and my pace, so I bit the bullet and ordered one. Squees of excitement!

The EP 5k is only 2 weeks away-- I am hoping to come in under 40 minutes this time. The chances seem good! Boot Camp starts tomorrow-- that should help!

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