Saturday, January 3, 2009

Why, hello... cutey-baby running gadget! My Garmin is here! I can't wait to try it out. I think I am going to take a super-short run tomorrow, just to see my baby in action, even though Sunday is usually my rest day.

Boot Camp started today, and it went well. We ran to start, just like usual, and then did some more running to set PRs to beat at the end of the month. I did decent in the long run, but was slow in the sprint. I am apparently not a sprinter, even though it *felt* like I was running fast. Oh well....

We went inside afterwards, and did pushup and crunch tests-- 22 pushups, and 40 crunches in the time allotted. Considering I could hardly do 5 push-ups when I started Body Pump in July, it's quite an improvement. Then we were on to circuit training--cardio, free weights, and the weight machines. I actually liked it, even though I started to have that funny "My heart is beating way too fast!!!!!" feeling I've had before when we push through multiple exercises without a lot of rest. My funny feeling subsided, though, and I made it through upright. The cardio was tough-- we used the SciFit machines, and I was on the one that you pedal with your feet AND your hands. Jenna set the resistance high, and on a big hill program-- I did some groaning at the peak of the hills. I was supposed to switch with my partner, but I had some serious doh! with the machine and missed out.

We also were told that we better keep moving the whole time, or we would have to do 10 Burpees if they caught us standing still. I hate Burpees-- they should be called Barfees, for all that down, up, jump(!) jiggling-ness. So I was careful to keep running in place, or squatting, or *something*, for the love of all that is holy. The weight machine work felt good, except for the hamstring kick-back thing. I whimpered by the time I got to the end of my 15 reps. And the free weight stuff felt familiar, even though the bicep curls shredded me a little, on the heels of yesterday's Body Pump. I felt exhausted but exhilarated by the end of the session. It was much less scary this time around, although I might be speaking too quickly... We'll see how it goes Monday night.

There are also some new accountability/point-earning things for this Boot Camp session. We will earn points for everything we do-- the weekly challenge (drink 64oz of water everyday, for this week), workouts other than Boot Camp, keeping a food journal, the Amazing Race, and overall weight loss. Who ever has the most points at the end will win something good-- it was cash gift-cards last time. With the new rules, I think I have a chance! Ooh, and I got my T-shirt from the last session-- I am very proud.

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